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"To All That Come To This Happy Place, Welcome!"

Don't you love that quote by Walt Disney "To all that come to this Happy Place, Welcome!".  What a beautiful way of welcoming people to Disneyland - or to my little corner of the web world!  My name is Jlynn and I love to talk to others about #allthingDisney!  Whether that's the recent thing you saw on Disney+, your recent trip to one of the Parks, an upcoming Disney Cruise, or simply a fun Disney craft you made!

I've always enjoyed sprinkling a little Disney Magic into my family's life over the years.  Now let me sprinkle a little Disney Magic into yours.

I am a Magical Agent with Magical Vacations LLC.  I have been blessed to be able to take my LOVE of all things Disney and use it to help YOU find your own love of Disney.  Not only Disney, but Universal as well.  In 2016 my kids convinced me to add Universal onto a trip to Orlando.  I hadn't expected to enjoy it quite as much as I did, but we all absolutely loved it!  Each of these locations has something to offer everyone and I'd love to show you the Magic in each location.

One thing I have found over the years is that I get asked a lot of the same questions - What kind of bag should I use at the Parks, what do you use for an autograph book, what are your favorite restaurants?  I love answering these questions!  In fact I love these more than I love cooking dinner, or washing dishes, or going grocery shopping...but I digress.  That made me think that perhaps others might find my information useful as well.  Therefore, this blog was born.  My daughter, who is currently 13, has also agreed that on occasion (for the small price of a Starbucks drink) she may jump in and help me write something as well!

I hope you enjoy reading, and perhaps find something useful or entertaining here.  Let me know if there's something specific you'd like me to write about!  Right now the sky's the limit!



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