I have a confession. I've never purchased an autograph book when I traveled to Disney. I know there are a lot of options when it comes to buying a pre-made autograph book...you can get so many different kinds; Princess versions, Fab Five versions, Pixar versions....so why did I make my own each time we traveled? The short answer: I never wanted to run out of an autograph page! I always had this horror that if I bought a pre-made autograph book that I would be standing in line with one of my kids to get an autograph of a character and we'd be flipping through the book and we'd find we had no more pages for someone to autograph! That's really the only reason. Those pre-made ones are gorgeous and super easy, and in a pinch I would have totally grabbed one to use. But, if you have a few extra minutes before a trip, you can easily make your own with some card stock, a paper cutter, and a small 4x6 photo album from the store. I purchased ...
Just my magical little corner of the world. Let me share with you my love of all things Disney and Universal!