Let me start this out by saying that this post is purely opinion. And to write it, I think you need to understand how I've classified my children throughout their lives. Babies: infant to around 18 months Toddlers: 18 months to around age 3 Little: This stage began around the age of 3 and lasted until they went to school. For one that was 4 months after he turned 5 and for the other it was 9 months after she turned 5. Kids: Kindergarten until they were formally a tween Tween: 10-12 Teens: 13 - 17 I say this because over the next few posts I'm going to tell you my opinion of taking 4 different ages of my children to Disney. I never took my kids to Disney when they were babies or toddlers. For one child I never had the opportunity. For the other I actually chose not to bring her on a weekend trip (though I do have regrets on this now at times, though other times I don't - it's a very conflicting moment in time!) ...
Just my magical little corner of the world. Let me share with you my love of all things Disney and Universal!