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Disney Food At Home: Green & Blue Milk from Galaxy's Edge

 My daughter has recently received the Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook (available on Amazon) as a gift.  She wanted to not only make some things from it immediately, but video the process and share.  She asked me to help her do this, and then share her process with you.

So, without further ado, here is her attempt at Galaxy's Edge Green & Blue milk this past weekend.

First, what are they?

Within the Star Wars universe, Green Milk comes from the docile marine animal called thala-siren (sometimes called a sea sow), which are located on the planet Ahch-To. 

They like to sun themselves on rocks fringing the coasts of the planet's islands.  They produce a nutritious green milk, which is harvested by the native Lanai and adventurous visitors, such as Luke Skywalker.

At Galaxy's Edge, officially, Green Milk is a citrus drink featuring mandarin orange, passion fruit, grapefruit, and orange blossom.

Blue Milk comes from the bantha, a horned herbivore animal native to the planet Tatooine.  They were the preferred mount and companions of the Tusken Raiders, with whom they share a strange, mystical connection.

At Galaxy's Edge, officially Blue Milk is flavored with dragon fruit, pineapple, lime and watermelon.  

The recipes in this book tweaked the official Galaxy's Edge flavors a bit, but not enough to discourage my daughter from feeling like she was drinking the real thing!

Making Green Milk

Making Blue Milk

The cookbook is amazing and has a ton of recipes I cannot wait to try and share my experience with you!  Let me know in the comments which sounds tastier to you - the blue or green milk! - Ada


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